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Input Command Descriptions [SOURCE :Todd Postma (tapostma@nuc.berkeley.edu)]

    A. MCNP input command formats

    1. Horizontal input format (3-4)

  • all card names/numbers must begin in columns 1 thru 5 with no imbedded blanks
  • one blank space is required before entering card data
  • remaining columns thru 80 are for free-field data separated by at least a blank
  • continuation lines for a card are designated by one of two methods:
    • the present card ends with an ampersand (&) preceded by a blank; or
    • columns 1 thru 5 of the next card are blank
  • completely blank lines are reserved as delimiters between major input sections
  • characters may be in upper and/or lower case
  • six input card features facilitate card preparation:
    • nr means repeat the immediately preceding entry on card n times (eg, 5r)
    • ni means insert i linear interpolates between preceding and following #
    • nm means multiply the previous entry by n
    • nj means jump over n items on the card and use the default values
    • & means that the next card is a continuation of this card (not C,FCn,SCi)
    • $ ends data entry for a card and begins a card comment section

    2. Vertical input format for cell params. and source distribution (3-6)

  • a "#" sign is put anywhere in columns 1 to 5 followed by card names to column 80
  • cells, if any, optionally begin in columns 1 to 5 followed by values to column 80
  • the # card can be used more than once to enter cell and source data vertically

    3. Particle designators (3-7)

  • some commands require a particle designator: N=neutrons, P=photons, E=electrons
  • designator is a colon followed by an N, P, or E after command name
  • one blank must follow N, P, or E before card entries
  • multiple designators separated by commas accepted except in tallies(F6:N,P;F8:P,E ok)
  • commands requiring a particle designator for particle type p are:
            CUT:p  DXCm:p  DXT:p  ELPT:p  ESPLT:p  EXT:p  Fn:p  FCL:p  IMP:p  PHYS:p 
            WWE:p  WWGE:p  WWNi:p WWP:p

    4. Format of input command description (3-4)

     NAMEn:p  one line summary of purpose of card (* describes meaning of *NAMEn:p)
             # in [] is maximum number of entries allowed if a maximum number exists
             PARAMETER1{default value, if any} ... (see command description section)
             allowed values of n (e.g., tally or command sequence number), if any
             p is the particle type (N, P, or E), if required 
             PARAMETER1 values are defined
             "Keyword" in front of a parameter list means input of the form
                     PARAMETER1(k)=n1 ... nk for a total of k entries (= is optional)

    B. Alphabetical list of input commands (3-123)

     AREA     whole surface area specifications [number of surfaces]                (3-20)
     AWTAB    user specified atomic weight in pairs of zaid aw                      (3-95)
     BBREM    bias for high energy bremsstrahlung photons                           (3-38)
     blank    blank lines separate MESSAGE, cell, surface, data sets of commands    (1-21)
     C        INP file comment card (no continuation is allowed)                    (1-21)
     Cn       specify cosine bins for a type 1 tally                                (3-70)
     cell cards:define geom cells with materials (see Mm card) or void (0)  (3-9,4-1,4-19)
     CFn      tally contributions from flagged cells separately for tally n[# cells](3-78)
     CMn      multipliers for cosine bins of tally n for type 1 tallies             (3-77)
     CONTINUE first card in INP for continue run(C on execute line or MESSAGE block) (3-2)
     CTME     computer time limit in minutes for the problem [1]                   (3-109)
     CUT:p    time, energy, and weight cutoffs for particle type p [5]             (3-107)
     DBCN     debug information card(event logs,timing,vov,random number,etc) [20] (3-112)
     DDn      detector and DXTRAN diagnostics and contribution card                 (3-85)
     DEn      dose energy card (used with the DFn card)                         (3-76,H-4)
     DFn      dose function card (used with the DEn card)                       (3-76,H-4)
     DRXS     discrete reaction neutron cross-section card                          (3-93)
     DSn      dependent source distribution card                               (3-49,4-47)
     DXCm:p   DXTRAN contribution for DXTRAN sphere m and particle type p[# cells]  (3-37)
     DXT:p    defines DXTRAN spheres for particle type p [28]                       (3-87)
     En       upper bounds of energy bins (MeV) for tally n                    (1-25,3-69)
     ELPT:p   cell energy cutoff(> of this or CUT:p applies) for particle p[cells] (3-108)
     EMn      multipliers for the energy bins of tally n on the En card             (3-76)
     ESPLT:p  energy split and Russian roulette card for particle type p [10]      (3-104)
     EXT:p    exponential transform for part p(use wgt window-no forced coll)[cells](3-30)
     Fn:p     create cell, surface, point tally n for part p(*F for energy)(1-25,3-61,5-1)
     FCn      user supplied comment for tally n (blank continuation is not allowed) (3-69)
     FCL:p    force collisions by cell for particle type p [number of cells]        (3-32)
     FILES    user file creation card [30]                                         (3-116)
     FILL     fill cell with universe or lattice elements with universes(*=degrees) (3-25)
     FMn      general tally multiplier card for tally n           (3-72,4-34,4-36,5-1,G-1)
     FQn      tally print hierarchy card for ordering of printed output [8]     (3-71,5-1)
     FSn      subdivide cell or surface into segments for tallying [surfaces]  (3-79,4-37)
     FTn      special treatments(# collisions,detector by cell,etc) for tally n(3-89,4-38)
     FUn      user-defined TALLYX tally input that is required by some FTn options  (3-82)
     IDUM     integer array in MCNP COMMON available to user (also see RDUM) [50]  (3-110)
     IMP:p    definition of cell importances for each particle p [# cells]     (1-25,3-28)
     KCODE    define a criticality eigenvalue (keff) problem [7]               (3-57,5-64)
     KSRC     neutron source point locations for KCODE (or SRCTP file or SDEF card) (3-58)
     LAT      used to define a lattice as part of a cell card description [cells]   (3-24)
     LOST     lost particle abort/debug print control card [2]                     (3-112)
     Mm       material definition card for cells containing material m     (1-27,3-92,G-1)
     MESSAGE  optional card(s) in front of INP file containing execution information (3-1)
     MGOPT    multigroup forward/adjoint transport option card                      (3-98)
     MODE     definition of particles to be run in the problem                 (1-24,3-19)
     MPLOT    produce plots of tallies while the problem is running           (3-118,B-11)
     MTm      S(alpha,beta) thermal neutron treatment for material m           (3-106,G-2)
     NONU     treat fission as a capture as a function of cell [number of cells]    (3-94)
     NPS      number of particles to run in the problem from the source [1]   (1-28,3-109)
     #        input cell/surface/source parameters in columns(can use more than once)(3-6)
     PDn      detector contribution control by cell for tally n [number of cells]   (3-37)
     PHYS:p   control physics used for the transport of particle p [9]       (3-100,3-101)
     PIKMT    photon-production bias card for coupled neutron-photon problems       (3-96)
     PRDMP    print(OUTP)/dump(RUNTPE)/MCTAL/max dumps(RUNTPE)/TFC control card[9] (3-111)
     PRINT    control the printing of various tables to the OUTP file              (3-116)
     PTRAC    generate an file named PTRAC of user-filtered particle events    (3-119,I-1)
     PWT      control number of neutron-induced photons produced by [cell](MODE N P)(3-29)
     RDUM     real array in MCNP COMMON available to the user (also see IDUM) [50] (3-110)
     SBi      bias for source distribution i                                        (3-45)
     SCi      comment card for source distribution i for OUTP (no & continuation)   (3-50)
     SDn      segmented cell volumes or surface areas defined by the FSn card       (3-81)
     SDEF     general fixed source specification                     (1-25,3-39,3-51,4-47)
     SFn      surface flagging card for tally n [number of surfaces]                (3-79)
     SIi      source information for distribution i                                 (3-45)
     SPi      source probability for distribution i                             (3-46,H-1)
     SSR      surface source read card for file RSSA                                (3-54)
     SSW      write surface source(s) to WSSA file                                  (3-52)
     surface cards: equation coefficients or points (*=reflecting)                  (3-12)
     Tn       create time bins in shakes (=1e-8 seconds) for tally n           (1-25,3-70)
     TFn      define one bin for tally n to be used in tally fluctuation chart [8]  (3-84)
     THTME    times for thermal neutron temperatures of cells on TMPi card(s) [99] (3-105)
     title card:one line of required input after MESSAGE block to describe problem  (1-21)
     TMn      time bin multiplier card                                              (3-77)
     TMPj     free-gas thermal temperature card for time j on THTME card [cells]   (3-105)
     TOTNU    total fission card to include delayed neutrons for steady state [1]   (3-94)
     TRj      geometry coordinate transformation(*TRn is for Bi in degrees)[13](3-26,4-14)
     TRCL     cell transformation to describe multiple cells once(* for degrees)    (3-23)
     U        describe what universe a cell is in (usually on cell cards) [cells]   (3-22)
     VECT     define any number of vectors for exponential transform or user patches(3-23)
     VOID     delete cell material to check geometry/sources, calculate volumes(1-28,3-96)
     VOL      whole cell volume specifications [number of cells]                    (3-20)
     WWE:p    define wgt window energies(or times) for part p(use with WWNi:p)[99]  (3-33)
     WWG      weight window generation card [7]                                     (3-36)
     WWGE:p   weight window generation energies for particle type p [15]            (3-37)
     WWNi:p   lower wgt window bounds for ith WWE:p energy bin for part p [cells]   (3-34)
     WWP:p    weight window parameter card for particle type p [5]                  (3-35)
     XSn      load cross-section evaluation n not listed in XSDIR file directory[10](3-96)
     ZA,ZB,ZC are separate cards for inputing user data to code patches 

    C. List of input commands by function (3-123)

    PROBLEM TYPE (3-19)

     CONTINUE first card in INP for continue run(C on execute line or MESSAGE block) (3-2)
     MODE     definition of particles to be run in the problem                 (1-24,3-19)

    GEOMETRY (3-19)

     AREA     whole surface area specifications [number of surfaces]                (3-20)
     FILL     fill cell with a universe, lattice elements with universes(*=degrees) (3-25)
     LAT      used to define a lattice as part of a cell card description [cells]   (3-24)
     TRj      geometry coordinate transformation(*TRn is for Bi in degrees)[13](3-26,4-14)
     TRCL     cell transformation to describe multiple cells once (* for degrees)   (3-23)
     U        describe what universe a cell is in (usually on cell cards) [cells]   (3-22)
     VOL      whole cell volume specifications [number of cells]                    (3-20)

    SOURCE (1-25,3-39)

      (subroutine source and srcdx (3-59) are needed if SDEF,SSR, or KCODE are not used)
     DSn      dependent source distribution card                               (3-49,4-47)
     KCODE    define a criticality eigenvalue (keff) problem [7]               (3-57,5-64)
     KSRC     neutron source point locations for KCODE (or SRCTP file or SDEF card) (3-58)
     SBi      bias for source distribution i                                        (3-45)
     SCi      comment card for source distribution i for OUTP (no & continuation)   (3-50)
     SDEF     general fixed source specification                     (1-25,3-39,3-51,4-47)
     SIi      source information for distribution i                                 (3-45)
     SPi      source probability for distribution i                             (3-46,H-1)
     SSR      surface source read card for file RSSA                                (3-54)
     SSW      write surface source(s) to WSSA file                                  (3-52)


     BBREM    bias of high energy bremsstrahlung photons                            (3-38)
     DXCm:p   DXTRAN contribution card for DXTRAN sphere m and particle p[# cells]  (3-37)
     DXT:p    defines DXTRAN spheres for particle type p [28]                       (3-87)
     EXT:p    exponential transform for part p(use wgt window-no forced coll)[cell] (3-30)
     FCL:p    force collisions by cell for particle type p [number of cells]        (3-32)
     IMP:p    definition of cell importances for each particle type p[# cells] (1-24,3-28)
     PDn      detector contribution control card by cell for tally n [# cells]      (3-37)
     PIKMT    photon-production bias card for coupled neutron-photon problems       (3-96)
     PWT      control number of neutron-induced photons produced by [cell](MODE N P)(3-29)
     VECT     define any number of vectors for exponential transform or user patches(3-23)
     WWE:p    define wgt window energies(or times) for part p(use with WWNi:p)[99]  (3-33)
     WWG      weight window generation card [7]                                     (3-36)
     WWGE:p   weight window generation energies for particle type p [15]            (3-37)
     WWNi:p   lower wgt window bounds for ith WWE:p energy bin for particle p[cells](3-34)
     WWP:p    weight window parameter card for particle type p [5]                  (3-35)

    TALLY (3-59)

     Cn       specify cosine bins for a type 1 tally                                (3-70)
     CFn      tally contributions from flagged cells separately for tally n [cells] (3-78)
     CMn      multipliers for cosine bins of tally n for type 1 tallies             (3-77)
     DDn      detector and DXTRAN diagnostics and contribution card                 (3-85)
     DEn      dose energy card (used with the DFn card)                         (3-76,H-4)
     DFn      dose function card (used with the DEn card)                       (3-76,H-4)
     En       upper bounds of energy bins (MeV) for tally n                    (1-25,3-69)
     EMn      multipliers for the energy bins of tally n on the En card             (3-76)
     Fn:p     create cell, surface, point tally n for part p(*F for energy)(1-25,3-61,5-1)
     FCn      user supplied comment for tally n (& continuation is not allowed)     (3-69)
     FMn      general tally multiplier card for tally n           (3-72,4-34,4-36,5-1,G-1)
     FQn      tally print hierarchy for ordering of printed output [8]          (3-71,5-1)
     FSn      subdivide cell or surface into segments for tallying[# surfaces] (3-79,4-37)
     FTn      special treatments(# collisions,detector by cell,etc) for tally n(3-89,4-38)
     FUn      user-defined TALLYX tally input that is required by some FTn options  (3-82)
     SDn      segmented cell volumes or surface areas defined by the FSn card       (3-81)
     SFn      surface flagging card for tally n [number of surfaces]                (3-79)
     Tn       create time bins in shakes (=1e-8 seconds) for tally n           (1-25,3-70)
     TFn      define one bin for tally n to be used in tally fluctuation chart [8]  (3-84)
     TMn      time bin multiplier card                                              (3-77)

    MATERIAL (3-91)

     AWTAB    user specified atomic weight in pairs of zaid aw                      (3-95)
     DRXS     discrete reaction neutron cross-section card                          (3-93)
     Mm       material definition card for cells containing material m     (1-27,3-92,G-1)
     MGOPT    multigroup forward/adjoint transport option card                      (3-98)
     NONU     treat fission as a capture as a function of cell [number of cells]    (3-94)
     TOTNU    total fission card to include delayed neutrons for steady state [1]   (3-94)
     VOID     delete cell material to check geometry/sources, calculate volumes(1-28,3-96)
     XSn      load cross-section evaluation n not listed in XSDIR file directory[10](3-96)

    ENERGY & THERMAL (3-99)

     ESPLT:p  energy split and Russian roulette card for particle type p [10]      (3-104)
     MTm      S(alpha,beta) thermal neutron treatment for material m           (3-106,G-2)
     PHYS:p   control the physics used for the transport of particle p [9]   (3-100,3-101)
     THTME    times for thermal neutron temperatures of cells on TMPi card(s) [99] (3-105)
     TMPj     free-gas thermal temperature card for time j on THTME card [cells]   (3-105)


     CTME     computer time limit in minutes for the problem [1]                   (3-109)
     CUT:p    time, energy, and weight cutoffs for particle type p [5]             (3-107)
     ELPT:p   cell energy cutoff(larger of this or CUT:p applies) for part p[cells](3-108)
     NPS      number of particles to run in the problem from the source [1]   (1-28,3-109)

    USER (3-110)

     C        INP file comment card (no continuation is allowed)                    (1-21)
     IDUM     integer array in MCNP COMMON available to user (also see RDUM) [50]  (3-110)
     RDUM     real array in MCNP COMMON available to user (also see IDUM) [50]     (3-110)
     ZA,ZB,ZC are separate cards for inputing user data to code patches

    PERIPHERAL (3-110)

     DBCN     debug information card(event logs,timing,vov,random number,etc) [20] (3-112)
     FILES    user file creation card [30]                                         (3-116)
     LOST     lost particle abort/debug print control card [2]                     (3-112)
     MESSAGE  optional card(s) in front of INP file containing execution information (3-1)
     MPLOT    plot one tally while the problem is running                     (3-118,B-11)
     #        input cell/surface/source parameters in columns(can use more than once)(3-6)
     PRDMP    print(OUTP)/dump(RUNTPE)/MCTAL/max dumps(RUNTPE)/TFC control [9]     (3-111)
     PRINT    control the printing of various tables to the OUTP file              (3-116)
     PTRAC    generate output file PTRAC of user-filtered particle events      (3-119,I-1)


     blank   blank lines separate MESSAGE, cell, surface, and data sets of commands (1-21)
     cell cards:define geom cells with materials(see Mm card) or void(0)    (3-9,4-1,4-19)
     surface cards: equation coefficients or points (*=reflecting)                  (3-12)
     title card:one line of required input after MESSAGE block to describe problem  (1-21)

    D. Input command descriptions in alphabetical order (3-1)

     AREA    whole surface area specifications [number of surfaces]                 (3-20)
             A1  ...  AJ  (J=number of problem surfaces)  {calculated areas if available}
             Ai=area of surface i
     AWTAB   user specified atomic weight in pairs of zaid aw                       (3-95)
             ZAID1  AW1    ZAID2 AW2  ...
             ZAIDi=zaid used on the Mm material card without the nn specification
             AWi=atomic weight ratios for neutrons or photons for the ith entry pair
     BBREM   bias of high energy bremsstrahlung photons                             (3-38)
             B1  B2  ...  B49    M1  M2  ...  MN   (N=number of materials in the problem)
             B1=any positive value (currently unused)
             Bi=bias factors for the bremsstrahlung energy spectrum
             Mi=material number Mi for which the biasing is to be used
     blank   blank lines separate MESSAGE, cell, surface, and data sets of commands (1-21)
     C       INP file comment card (no blank or & continuation is allowed)          (1-21)
             columns after C blank to 80 available for user comments about the INP file
             (this comment is printed only in the input file listing of the problem:
             other comments available are $(end of line), FCn(tally) and SCn(source))
     Cn      specify cosine bins for a type 1 tally                                 (3-70)
             B1  B2  ...  Bk  T  
             n=tally number with a last digit of 1 or 0 for tallies without Cn card
             Bi=monotonically increasing upper cosine for the ith bin (B0=-1.)
                (B1>-1. and Bk=1 for type 1 tally by cosines) 
             T is optional and will create a total over all cosine bins
             required for a CMn card
     cell cards:define geometry cells with materials(see Mm card) or void(0)(3-9,4-1,4-19)
             J     m  D  GEOM    Keyword PARAMETERS     or     J     LIKE  N  BUT  LIST
             J=cell number starting in the first five columns (00 entry is atom density in units of atoms/barn-cm (1E-24 atoms/cc)
              <0 entry is mass density in units of grams/cc
             GEOM(list)=signed surface numbers and Boolean operators which are:
                        blank means the intersection of space which is the default
                        : means the union of space
                        #i means space not in cell i
                        #(list of signed surfaces) means space with opposite sense
                with particle designator may go on cell cards instead of data cards
             LIKE N BUT=gives cell J all attributes of problem cell N except LIST
             LIST=PARAMETERS Keyword list plus MAT (material number) and RHO (density)
     CFn     tally contributions from flagged cells separately for tally n [cells]  (3-78)
             C1  C2  ... 
             n=tally number not ending in 5 or 8
             Ci=problem cells where tracks leaving are flagged for a separate tally
     CMn     multipliers for cosine bins of tally n for type 1 tallies              (3-77)
             M1  M2  ...  Mk     (k=number of entries on the Cn card)
             n=tally number ending in 1 or 0 for type 1 tallies without own CMn card
             Mi=multiplier to be applied to the ith cosine bin
     CONTINUE first card in INP for continue run(C on execute line or MESSAGE block) (3-2)
             allowed cards after CONTINUE are: CTME, DBCN, DD, FQ, IDUM, KCODE,
             LOST, MPLOT, NPS, PRDMP, PRINT, RDUM, ZA, ZB, and ZC
     CTME    computer time limit in minutes for the problem [1]                    (3-109)
             T=problem time limit in minutes
     CUT:p   time, energy, and weight cutoffs for particle type p [5]              (3-107)
             T{large}  E{0 or 0.001(P)}  WC1{-0.5}  WC2{-0.25}  SWTM
             p=N for neutrons, P for photons, E for electrons
             T=time cutoff in shakes
             E=lower energy cutoff in MeV
             WC1=upper weight cutoff (negative value for relative to source weight)
                =0 for analog capture
             WC2=lower weight cutoff (negative value for relative to source weight)
             SWTM=minimum source weight
     DBCN    debug info card (event logs, timing, vov, random number, etc) [20]    (3-112)
             X1{6647299061401}  X2  X3  X4  X5{600}  X6{0}  X7{0}  X8  X9  X10{10} 
             X11{0}  X12  X13{152917}  X14{5E19}  X15{0}  X16{1.0}  X20{0}
             X1=the starting pseudorandom number
             X2=print history #,colls,random #, and first random # every X2 particle
             X3 and X4=lower and upper history numbers for event log printing       (5-97)
             X5=maximum number of events in the event log to print per history
             X6=1 to produce a file (SAMFIL) containing code timing statistics
             X7=1 for detailed print from the volume and surface area calculations
             X8=history number whose starting pseudorandom number will start problem
             X9=collision number for the collision loop breakpoint in HSTORY
             X10=seconds between time interrupts 
             X11=1 causes collision lines to print in lost particle event log
             X12=expected number of random numbers for tracking comparisons
             X13=random number stride between starting random numbers
             X14=random number multiplier
             X15 not equal to zero produces variance of variance for all tally bins
             X16 scales the history score grid for creating the empirical f(x) pdf
             X20 not equal to zero tracks the previous MCNP version
     DDn     detector and DXTRAN diagnostics and contribution card                  (3-85)
             K1{0.1}  M1{1000}   K2 M2 ...
             n=0 or blank is the global DD card
              =1 for neutron DXTRAN spheres
              =2 for photon DXTRAN spheres
              =tally number ending in 5 for a specific detector tally
             Ki=criterion for using small score tally contribution Russian roulette
               >0,<1 all contributions for first 200 histories are made; Ki is factor
               <0, contributions > -Ki are always made; otherwise use Russian roulette 
             Mi=criterion for printing large detector tally or DXTRAN contributions
               =0 means no diagnostic prints
               >0, Ki>0 first 100 contributions after 200 histories>Mi*avg tally
               >0, Ki<0 prints the first 100 contributions > Mi*(-Ki)
     DEn     dose energy card (used with the DFn card)                          (3-76,H-4)
             A{LOG}  E1  E2  ...  Ek
             n=tally number or 0 to be applied to all tallies without DEn cards
             A=blank (or "LOG") or "LIN" interpolation method for energy table
             Ei=monotonically increasing energy value in MeV
     DFn     dose function card (used with the DEn card)                        (3-76,H-4)
             B{LOG}  F1  F2  ...  Fk  (k must equal k on the DEn card)
             n=tally number or 0 to be applied to all tallies without DEn cards
             B=blank (or "LOG") or "LIN" interpolation method for dose function table
             Fi=the corresponding (DEn card) value of the dose function
     DRXS    discrete reaction neutron cross-section card                           (3-93)
             blank     or     ZAID1 ZAID2 ...
             blank=use discrete reaction cross sections for all nuclides
             ZAIDi=nuclide number of the form ZZZAAA.nn for discrete reaction
     DSm     dependent source distribution card                                     (3-49)
             option     J1  J2  ...  Jk            or
             T  I1  J1  I2  J2  ...  Ik Jk         or
             Q  V1  S1  V2  S2  ...  Vk Sk
             m=source distribution number from 1 to 999
             option=blank or H(continuous,scaler),  L(discrete), or S(distributions)
             Ji=values of the dependent source variable 
             T means dependent variable values follow independent (discrete scaler)
             Ii=values of the independent source variable
             Q means distribution numbers follow the independent variable (scaler)
             Vi=monotonically increasing values of the independent variable
             Si=distribution numbers for the dependent variable
     DXCm:p  DXTRAN contribution for DXTRAN sphere m and particle type p [# cells]  (3-37)
             P1  P2  ...  PI   (I=number of cells in the problem)   {all Pis=1.}
             m=DXTRAN sphere the DXC card applies to
              =0 or blank applies to all DXTRAN spheres in the problem
             p=N for neutrons, P for photons, not available for electrons
             Pi=probability of contribution to DXTRAN spheres from cell i
             consider using the DD card
     DXT:p   defines DXTRAN spheres for particle type p [28]                        (3-87)
             X1 Y1 Z1 RI1 RO1    X2 Y2 Z2 RI2 RO2   ...   DWC1{0} DWC2{0} DPWT{0}
             p=N for neutrons, P for photons, not available for electrons
             Xi,Yi,Zi=coordinates of the center of the ith pair of DXTRAN spheres
             RIi=radius of the ith inner sphere in cm
             ROi=radius of the ith outer sphere in cm
             DWC1=upper weight cutoff in the spheres
             DWC2=lower weight cutoff in the spheres
             DPWT=minimum photon weight (entered on DXT:N card only)
             maximum number of DXTRAN spheres is 5 for each particle (mxdx=5)      (3-126)
     En      upper bounds of energy bins (MeV) for tally n                     (1-25,3-69)
             B1  B2  ...  Bk  NT
             n=tally number or 0 applies to all tallies without an En card
             Bi=monotonically increasing upper energy of ith bin, B0=energy cutoff
             NT is optional and will delete the total energy bin
             required in an EMn card is present
     ELPT:p  cell energy cutoff (> of this or CUT:p applies) for particle p[cells] (3-108)
             E1  E2  ...  EI  (I=number of problem cells)  {CUT:p card energy cutoff}
             p=N for neutrons, P for photons, E for electrons
             Ei=lower energy cutoff (MeV) for cell i
     EMn     multipliers for the energy bins of tally n on the En card              (3-76)
             M1 M2 ... Mk (k bins on the En card)
             n=tally number or 0 for all tallies without their own EMn card
             Mi=multiplier applied to the ith energy bin (eg, 1/delta E)
     ESPLT:p  energy split and Russian roulette card for particle type p [10]      (3-104)
             N1  E1    N2  E2    ...    Nk  Ek    (k<6)
             p=N for neutrons, P for photons, E for electrons
             Ni>1 is number of tracks particle will be split into
               >0 and <1 is the Russian roulette survival probability
             Ei=energy (MeV) at which splitting or Russian roulette occur
     EXT:p   part p exponential transform (use wgt window-no forced coll) [cell]    (3-30)
             A1  A2  ...  AI   (I=number of cells in the problem)  {all 0}
             p=N for neutrons, P for photons, not available for electrons
             Ai=QVm (Q=stretching, Vm=direction m(VECT)) or S for distance to scatter
     Fn:p    create cell, surface, point tally n for part p(*F for energy) (1-25,3-61,5-1)
             C1  C2  ...  Ck  T     or     C1  (C2  C3  ...  Ci)  ...  Ck  T
             n=a unique three or less digit tally number not ending in 0, 3, or 9
              =..1 tallies particle current integrated over a surface               (3-62)
              =..2 tallies particle flux averaged on surface                        (3-62)
              =..4 tallies particle flux averaged in cell(s)                        (3-62)
              =..5 tallies particle flux at a point (X Y Z  +or-R0{0} ND)           (3-63)
              =..5X,5Y, or 5Z tallies particle flux on a ring (A R +or-R0{0} ND)    (3-63)
              =..6 tallies energy deposition averaged over a cell              (3-62,4-36)
              =..7 tallies fission energy deposition averaged over a cell           (3-62)
              =..8 is a pulse height tally (*F is an energy deposition tally)       (3-64)
             p=N, P, or E for 1,2,3,4;  N or P for 5;  N,P for 6;  N for 7;  P,E for 8
             Ci=problem number of cell or surface for tallying (see ..5 for detectors)
             (C2 C3 ... Ci) creates a union of Cs: sum (unnormed) or average (normed)
             T creates a tally over all cells or surfaces if present
             X Y Z=coordinates of the detector location
             R0=radius of the constant flux sphere to remove the tally singularity
               >0 is the spherical neighborhood radius in cm
               =0 no spherical neighborhood which is used in a void
               <0 is a radius of -R0 mean free paths (do not use in a void region)
             A=the letter X,Y, or Z to define a ring detector around a major axis
             R=radius of the ring in cm
             ND is optional to not print direct detector contributions in tally n
             maximum number of tallies (Fn:p) in one problem is 100 (ntalmx=100)   (3-126)
             maximum number of detector tallies (F..5) is 20 (mxdt=20)             (3-126)
             use variance reduction carefully with F..8 tallies                     (3-65)
             individual repeated structure/lattice tallies (F1,2,4,6,7,8):     (3-65,4-19)
                general form: S1(S2 ... S3)((S4 S5)<(C1 C2[I1 ... I2])<(C3 C4 C5)) ...
                Si=problem number of cell or surface, U=#, or T
                Ci=problem number of a cell filled with a universe or U=#
                 #=universe number used on the FILL card
                Ii=index data for a lattice cell element with three possible formats:
                   I1   I1th lattice element of cell C2 as defined in the FILL array
                   I1:I2  I3:I4  I5:I6    range of lattice elements (same as FILL card)
                   I1 I2 I3,  I4 I5 I6    lattice elements (I1,I2,I3) and (I4,I5,I6)
                there is a special use of the SD card in this case                  (3-68)
     FCn     user comment for tally n (1-5 blank for continuation-& not allowed)    (3-69)
             comment is entered after FCn and a blank  {none}
             n=tally number and cannot be zero or blank
     FCL:p   force collisions by cell for particle type p [number of cells]         (3-32)
             X1  X2  ...  XI   (I=number of cells in the problem)   {all 0}
             p=N for neutrons, P for photons, not available for electrons
             Xi=number of forced collisions in cell i (Xi between -1 an 1 inclusive)
               >0 forced collisions for entering and collided particles in cell i
               =0 means no forced collisions
               <0 forced collisions apply only to entering particles in cell i
     FILES   user file creation card [30]                                          (3-116)
             UNIT=1 to 99
             FILENAME=name of the file to be created
             ACCESS=sequential (S) or direct (D)
             FORM=formatted (F) or unformatted (U)
             RECORD-LENGTH=record length in a direct access file
     FILL    fill cell or lattice elements with universe(s) (*=degrees)             (3-25)
             J (T)     or     L1:L2  L3:L4  L5:L6  N1  N2  ...  Nk
             J=universe number
             T=a transformation number or the transformation itself
             Li=lattice array locations
             Ni=universe for the ith element of the lattice array with k elements        
     FMn     general tally multiplier card for tally n            (3-72,4-34,4-36,5-1,G-1)
             (BIN SET 1)   (BIN SET 2)   ...   T
             n=tally number not ending in 8 and cannot be zero or blank
             T=total over all bin sets if present
             ATTENUATOR SET=C  -1  m1  PX1  m2  PX2  ...
             MULTIPLIER SET=C  m  (reaction list 1)  (reaction list 2)  ...
             C>0 is multiplicative constant for all tallies except type 8
              <0 for type 4 tally means multiply by -C times cell atom density
             -1 is a flag indicating attenuator rather than multiplier set
             mi=material number identified on an Mm card
             special case: C=1 and mi=anything tallies the number of particle tracks
             PX=density times thickness of attenuating material
             reaction list i=sum(:) and product of ENDF or special reaction numbers
             special reaction numbers-neutrons:
                  -2 absorption cross section (barns)
                  -4 average heating number (MeV/collision)
                  -5 gamma-ray production cross section (barns)
                  -6 total fission cross section (barns)
                  -7 fission nu (neutrons per fission)
                  -8 fission Q (MeV/fission)
                   p. G-1 (Appendix G) has a list of neutron reaction numbers
             special reaction numbers-photons:
                  -1 incoherent scattering cross section (barns)
                  -2 coherent scattering cross section (barns)
                  -3 photoelectric cross section (barns)
                  -4 pair production cross section (barns)
                  -5 total cross section (barns)
                  -6 photon heating number (MeV/collision)
     FQn     tally print hierarchy card for ordering of printed output [8]      (3-71,5-1)
             A1  ...  A7  A8  (A7 is vertical and A8 is horizontal) {default order below}
             n=tally number or 0 to change print default for tallies without own FQn
             Ai=F---cell, surface, or detector tally
               =D---direct or flagged tally
               =U---user bins
               =S---segment tallies
               =M---multiplier bins
               =C---cosine bins
               =E---energy bins
               =T---time bins
     FSn     subdivide cell or surface into segments for tallying [surfaces]   (3-79,4-37)
             S1  S2   ...   T
             n=tally number not ending in 5 or 8 and cannot be zero or blank
             Si=signed problem number of a segmenting surface
             T=total of all tallies if desired
             this card may require an SDn card and should consider an FQn card
     FTn     special treatments(# collisions,detector by cell,etc) for tally n (3-89,4-38)
             ID1  P1,1  P1,2  ...  ID2  P2,1  P2,2  ...
             n=tally number and cannot be zero or blank
             IDi=the alphabetic Keyword identifier for a special treatment which are
                 FRV V1 V2 V3 (fixed reference direction V's for tally 1 cosine)
                 GEB a b (Gaussian energy broadening of a tally result)
                 TMC a b (time convolution for a square wave pulse from time a to b)
                 INC (tally by the number of particle collisions-FUn card required)
                 ICD (tally detector contributions by cell-FUn card required)
                 SCX k1 k2 ... (tally by SIk source type plus total)
                 SCD (tally specific source distributions-FUn card required)
                 PTT (tally by multigroup particle type-FUn card required)
                 ELC C (electron current tally depending on C:
                     C=1 means electrons make negative scores
                     C=2 puts positrons/electrons into separate user bins plus total
                     C=3 for the effect of C=1 and C=2 plus total)
     FUn     user-defined TALLYX (3-83,4-44) input required by some FTn options     (3-82)
             X1  X2  ...  Xk  NT      or      blank
             n=tally number and cannot be zero or blank
             Xi=input parameter establishing user bin i for tally n
             NT is optional and will delete the total created over the user bins
     IDUM    integer array in MCNP COMMON available to user (also see RDUM) [50]   (3-110)
             I1  I2  ...  I50   {all 0}
             Ii=integer number for the ith entry
     IMP:p   define cell importances for each particle type p[number of cells] (1-25,3-28)
             X1   X2  ...  XI    (I=number of cells in the problem)
             p=N for neutrons, P for photons, E for electrons, N,P or P,E or N,P,E 
             Xi=importance for cell i for particle type p (may be non integer)
               =0 to terminate particle type p when entering cell i
     KCODE   define a criticality eigenvalue (keff) problem [7]                (3-57,5-64)
             NSRCK  RKK{1}  IKZ{5}  KCT{0}  MSRK{>4499}  KNRM{0}  MRKP{>201,2*KCT}
             NSRCK=nominal neutron source size per cycle (neutron generation)
             RKK=initial guess for keff
             IKZ=number of cycles to be skipped before beginning tally accumulation
             KCT=total number of cycles (neutron generations) to be calculated
             MSRK=number of neutron source points to allocate storage for
             KNRM=method of tally normalization (0 for weight, otherwise number)
             MRKP=number of keff cycles stored in the RKPL array (plotting, etc)
             make IKZ large enough so that fundamental spatial mode is achieved    (2-141)
     KSRC    neutron source point locations for KCODE (or SRCTP file or SDEF card)  (3-58)
             X1 Y1 Z1   X2 Y2 Z2   ...
             Xi Yi Zi=neutron source points (cm) in fissile material for first cycle
             this card is omitted if SDEF or SRCTP source is used
     LAT     define a lattice as part of a cell card description [# of cells]       (3-24)
             L      (usually specified on a cell card as LAT=L)
             L=1 defines a hexahedra lattice of solids with six faces
             L=2 defines a lattice of hexagonal prisms
     LOST    lost particle abort/debug print control card [2]                      (3-112)
             LOST1{10}  LOST2{10}
             LOST1=number of particles which can be lost before the job aborts
             LOST2=maximum number of debug prints made for lost particles
             the cause(s) for lost particles should be found and corrected
     Mm      material definition card for cells containing material m           (3-92,G-1)
             ZAID1 FRAC1   ZAID2 FRAC2  ...   Keywords  GAS{0}  ESTEP  NLIB  PLIB  ELIB
             m corresponds to the material number on the cell cards
             ZAID1=a full ZZZAAA.nnX or partial ZZZAAA identifier for constituent i
             FRAC1=atomic fraction (or weight fraction if negative) of constituent i 
             ZZZ=atomic number, AAA=atomic mass, nn=library identifier, X=data class
             Keywords  GAS=l is flag for density correction to electron stopping power
                          =0 for a solid or liquid material
                          =1 for a gaseous material
                     ESTEP=n for n electron substeps per energy step (use > n, default)
                      NLIB=id to change default neutron table identifier to id
                      PLIB=id to change default photon table identifier to id
                      ELIB=id to change default electron table identifier to id
     MESSAGE optional card(s) in front of INP file containing execution information  (3-1)
             A=B OVERLAY{IXR}       Keywords   C m  DBUG n  NOTEK  FATAL  D  PRINT
             A=standard default file name such as OUTP, RUNTPE, etc (not INP)
             B=substitute name to be used in place of A for this problem
             OVERLAY=overlays to run (I,IMCN; P,PLOT; X,XACT; R,MCRUN; Z,MCPLOT)
             any message is input in columns 9-80 plus 1-80 on continuation cards
             Keywords include C m(continue with dump m), DBUG n(write debug info 
                      every n particles), NOTEK(terminal with no graphics),
                      FATAL(run problem even with fatal errors),
                      D(destroy drop file),PRINT(create full OUTP file)  
     MGOPT   multigroup forward/adjoint transport option card                       (3-98)
             MCAL  IGM  IPLT{0}  ISB{0}  ICW{0}  FNW{1}  RIM{1000}
             MCAL=F for forward problem or A for adjoint problem
             IGM=total number of energy groups (negative=special electron-photon prob)
             IPLT=0 so that IMP sets cell importances (weight windows are ignored)
                 =1 for weight windows that become energy-dependent cell importances
                 =2 for weight windows with the standard treatment
              ISB=0 means adjoint collisions are biased by infinite-medium fluxes
                 =1 means adjoint collisions are biased by weight windows functions
                 =2 means adjoint collisions are not biased
              ICW=0 means weight windows are not generated
                    otherwise is # of reference cell for generated weight windows
              FNW=normalization value for generated weight windows
              RIM=compression limit for generated weight windows
     MODE    definition of particles to be run in the problem                  (1-24,3-19)
             X1{N}  X2  X3   (the type of source particle is set with PAR on SDEF card)
             Xi=E for electron transport
               =N for neutron transport
               =P for photon transport
     MPLOT   produce plots of tallies while the problem is running            (3-118,B-11)
             MCPLOT  FREQ N{5000,5 cycles}  Keyword1=PARAMETER1  Keyword2=PARAMETER2 ...
             Keywordi=all tally plot Keywords except END, RMCTAL, RUNTPE, and DUMP
             N=number of particle histories or keff cycles between automatic plots
             see the tally plot command section of this file                        (B-11)
     MTm     S(alpha,beta) thermal neutron treatment for material m            (3-106,G-2)
             X1  ...
             Xi=S(alpha,beta) identifier corresponding to a component in Mm
             review S(alpha,beta) identifiers for the MTm card                       (G-2)
     NONU    treat fission as a capture as a function of cell [number of cells]     (3-94)
             A1  A2  ...  AI  (I=number of cells)      or      blank
             Ai=0 for fission in cell i treated as capture; gammas produced
               =1 for fission in cell i treated as real; gammas produced
               =2 for fission in cell i treated as capture; gammas not produced
             blank means that all Ais=1
     NPS     number of particles to run in the problem from the source [1]    (1-28,3-109)
             N=total number of histories to be run
              <0 in CONTINUE run means reprint OUTP from RUNTPE (without INP) and quit
     #       input cell/surface/source parameters in columns(can use more than once) (3-6)
             #     S1  S2 ... Sm   (the Si must not be anywhere else in the INP file)
             K1   D11 D12 ... D1m  {Kj defaults for cell values are the input order}
             K2   D21 D22 ... D2m
             ..   ... ... ... ...
             Kn   Dn1 Dn2 ... Dnm
             "#", "Kj" begin in columns 1 to 5; after blank, Si, Dji follow to column 80
             Si=valid card names of same type with particle type; eg, cell, source, etc
             Kj=optional integer values for cells, source distributions, etc        
     PDn     detector contribution control by cell for tally n [number of cells]    (3-37)
             P1 P2 ... PI  (I=number of cells in the problem)  {all Pis=1.}
             n=tally number ending with 5
              =0 applies to all point detector tallies without a PDn card
             Pi=probability of contributing to a detector from cell i (Pi=0 is valid)
     PHYS:E  electron physic card [9]                                              (3-101)
             EMAX{100} IDES{0} IPHOT{0} IBAD{0} ISTRG{0} BNUM{1} XNUM{1} RNOK{1} ENUM{1}
             EMAX=upper limit for electron energy (MeV)
             IDES=0 means photons will produce electrons
                 =1 means photons will not produce electrons
             IPHOT=0 means electrons will produce photons
                  =1 means electrons will not produce photons
             IBAD=0 means full bremsstrahlung tabular angular distribution
                 =1 means simple bremsstrahlung angular distribution approximation
             ISTRG=0 means sampled straggling for  electron energy loss
                  =1 means expected-value straggling for electron energy loss
             BNUM>0 produces BNUM times the analog number of bremsstrahlung photons
                 =0 means bremsstrahlung photons will not be produced
             XNUM>0 produces XNUM times analog number of electron-induced x-rays
                 =0 means x-ray photons will not be produced by electrons
             RNOK>0 produces RNOK times the analog number of knock-on electrons
                 =0 means knock-on electrons will not be produced
             ENUM>0 makes ENUM times analog # of photon-induced secondary electrons
                 =0 means photon-induced secondary electrons will not be produced
     PHYS:N  neutron physics card [2]                                              (3-100)
             EMAX{very large}  EMCNF{0 MeV}
             EMAX=upper limit for neutron energy (MeV) to remove unneeded xsecs
             EMCNF=energy boundary (MeV); > is implicit capture; < is analog capture
     PHYS:P  photon physics card [3]                                               (3-100)
             EMCPF{100 MeV}  IDES{1}  NOCOH{0}
             EMCPF=upper energy limit (MeV) for detailed photon physics treatment
             IDES=0 photons make electrons (MODE E) or bremsstrahlung (thick target)
                 =1 means photons will not produce electrons as above
             NOCOH=0 means coherent photon scattering occurs
                  =1 means coherent scattering will not occur (improves point det errors)
     PIKMT   photon-production bias card for coupled neutron-photon problems        (3-96)
             Z1 IPIK1{-1} MT1,1 PMT1,1 ... MT1,IPIK1 PMT1,IPIK1   Z2 IPIK2{-1} ...
             Zi=full or partial zaid of the ith data set entry
             IPIKi=0  means no photon-production biasing for zaid Zi
                  >0  photon-production biasing for ZAIDi with IPIKi pairs of data
                  =-1 means no photons are produced from ZAIDi
             MTi,j=numbers for photon-production reactions to be sampled (IPIKi>0)
             PMTi,j=numbers that control the frequency of MTi,j sampling (IPIKi>0)
             use file DISCEGAM in /x6xs/ctss to select neutron-photon reactions
     PRDMP   print(OUTP)/dump(RUNTPE)/MCTAL/max dumps(RUNTPE)/TFC control card [9] (3-111)
             NDP{end of problem}  NDM{15 minutes}  MCT{0}  NDMP{large}  DMMP{0}
             NDP>0 print after every NDP histories or NDP criticality cycles
                <0 print after NDP minutes of computer time
             NDM>0 dump to RUNTPE file every NDM histories or criticality cycles
                <0 dump to RUNTPE file every NDM minutes
             MCT>0 means write a MCTAL file at the end of problem
                <0 means write a MCTAL with no time-dependent quantities (for QAing)
             NDMP>0 means keep only the last NDMP dumps on the RUNTPE file
             DMMP<0 makes TFC entry every 1000 histories to 20000, 2000 to 40000, ...
                 =0 is same as <0 for sequential MCNP operation
                 =0 makes 10 TFC entries during run for multiprocessing
                 >0 makes TFC entry every DMMP histories
     PRINT   control the printing of various tables to the OUTP file               (3-116)
             X  (see manual for a listing of the 30 table numbers)
             X=no entry produces the full output print of all tables
             X=X1 X2 ... prints minimum output plus tables X1, X2 ...
             X=-X1 -X2 ... prints the full output except tables X1, X2 ...
             the order of the Xis does not matter
     PTRAC   generate a file named PTRAC of user-filtered particle events      (3-119,I-1)
             Keyword1=parameter(s)  Keyword2=parameter(s)  ...
             output control Keywords (one entry for each Keyword):
                    BUFFER=amount of storage available{100}
                    FILE=ASC for ASCII file
                        =BIN for a binary file {default}
                    MAX= maximum number of events to write to the PTRAC file {10000}
                    MEPH=maximum number of events per history to write {write all}
                    WRITE=POS for only x,y,z locations, cells, and materials {default}
                         =ALL is POS plus direction cosines, energy, weight, and time
             event filter Keywords:
                    EVENT specifies type of events written (one or more can be used):
                         =SRC for initial source events
                         =BNK for bank events
                         =SUR for surface events
                         =COl for collision events
                         =TER for terminal events
                    FILTER specifies additional MCNP variables for filtering       (3-121)
                    TYPE=N, P, and/or E to filter by particle type
             History filter Keywords:
                    NPS=A,B where A,B are history numbers (A0 photons produced with weights > Wi times source to cell importance
             Wi<0 makes photon production relative to the starting source weight
     RDUM    real array in MCNP COMMON available to user (also see IDUM) [50]      (3-110)
             R1  R2  ...  R50   {all 0.}
             Ri=real number for the ith entry
     SBi     bias for source distribution i                                         (3-45)
             option  B1  ...  Bk      or      f  A  B
             i=source distribution number
             option,f,A, and B same as SPi card except f can only be -21 and -31
             Bi=source variable biased probability
     SCi     comment card for source distribution i for OUTP (no & continuation)    (3-50)
             comment is entered after FCn and a blank    {none}
             i=source number >0 and <1000 and cannot be zero or blank
     SDn     segmented cell volumes or surface areas defined by the FSn card        (3-81)
             (D11 D12 ... D1m)   (D21 D22 ... D2m)  ...  (Dk1 Dk2 ... Dkm)
             n=tally number not ending in 5 or 8 and cannot be zero or blank
             k=number of cells or surfaces on the Fn card including T if present
             m=# of segmenting bins on FSn card including remainder segment and T
             Dij=area, volume, or mass of jth segment of ith surface or cell bin 
     SDEF    general fixed source specification                           (3-39,3-51,4-47)
             Keywords  CEL, SUR{0}, ERG{14 MEV}, TME{0}, DIR{isotropic volume or cosine
                       surface}, VEC, NRM{+1}, POS(3){0,0,0}, RAD{0}, EXT{0}, AXS, X, Y,
                       Z, CCC, ARA, WGT{1}, EFF{0.01}, PAR{neutron for MODE N ...,
                       photon for MODE p..., and electron for MODE E}
             Keyword is followed by an explicit value, distribution number(1 to 999)
                      prefixed by a D, or by another Keyword prefixed by F followed 
                      by a distribution number prefixed by a D(eg, ERG FPOS D8)
             blank is 14 MeV point isotropic source at 0,0,0,time=0,weight=1
             CEL=cell for starting source particles
             SUR=problem surface for starting source or 0 for cell source
             ERG=source energy (MeV) 
             TME=source time (shakes)
             DIR=cosine of polar angle (azimuthal angle sampled uniformly 0-360 deg)
             VEC=reference vector for DIR
             NRM=1 or -1 for surface source emission relative to surface normal
             POS(3)=reference point for position sampling
             RAD=radial distance of the position from POS or AXS
             EXT=distance from POS along AXS (cell); cosine of angle from AXS (surface)
             AXS(3)=reference vector for EXT and RAD
             X Y Z=x, y, and z position coordinates
             CCC=cookie-cutter cell for selecting parts of cells or surfaces
             ARA=surface area for plane surface direct contributions to detectors
             WGT=starting source particle weight (must be an explicit value)
             EFF=rejection efficiency for position sampling (must be explicit value)
             PAR=1 for neutron, 2 for photon, or 3 for electron source particle type
     SFn     surface flagging card for tally n [number of surfaces]                 (3-79)
             S1  S2  ...  Sk
             n=tally number not ending in 5 or 8 and cannot be zero or blank
             Si=problem surface numbers whose tally contributions are to be flagged
     SIi     source information for distribution i                                  (3-45)
             option{H}  I1  I2  ...  Ik         (requires SPi card)
             i=source distribution number from 1 to 999 
             option=H or blank for bin boundaries Ii of a histogram
                   =L for discrete source variable values
                   =A for points at which a probability density is defined
                   =S for distribution numbers (these can also have the S option)
             Ii=source variable values or distribution numbers
     SPi     source probability for distribution i                              (3-46,H-1)
             option{D}  P1  P2  ...  Pk      or      f  A  B
             i=source distribution number from 1 to 999 
             option=D bin probabilities for an H or L distribution on SIi card
                   =C cumulative bin probabilities for H or L distribution on SIi
                   =V probability is proportional to cell volume (cell distributions)
                   =omitted-same as D for H or L and is a probability density for A
             Pi=source variable probabilities
             f=-2 for a Maxwell fission spectrum (ERG) - uses A{1.2895}
              =-3 for a Watt fission spectrum (ERG) - uses A{0.965} and B{2.29}
              =-4 for a Gaussian fusion spectrum (ERG) - uses A{-0.01} and B{-1.}
              =-5 for an evaporation spectrum (ERG) - uses A{1.2895}
              =-6 Muir velocity Gaussian fusion spectrum(ERG) - uses A{-.01} and B{-1}
              =-7 is a spare function for the user to add one (ERG) - uses A and B
              =-21 power law p(x)=x**A(DIR,RAD,or EXT) - A{DIR,1;RAD,1 or 2;EXT,0}
              =-31 for an exponential exp(Ax) (DIR or EXT) - uses A{0}
              =-41 for a Gaussian distribution of time (TME) - uses A and B{0}
             A,B=parameters for the built-in function                                (H-1)
     SSR     surface source read card for file RSSA                                 (3-54)
             Keywords  OLD{all} CEL{all} NEW{old} COL{0} WGT{1} TR AXS EXT POA{0} BCW PSC 
             OLD=list of positive problem surface numbers on RSSA (written as WSSA)
             CEL(list)=cells in which KCODE fission neutrons or photons were written
             NEW(list)=positive problem surface numbers to start particles of form
                       Sa1 Sa2 ... Sak   Sb1 Sb2 ... Sbk (start source at a,b,...)
             COL=1 start only particles with collisions before crossing the surface
                =0 start particles without regard to collisions
                =-1 start only those particles directly from source (no collisions)
             WGT=constant particle weight multiplier for accepted particles
             TR=a transformation number (TRn) or distribution number Di (SIi,SPi,SBi)
             AXS(3)=direction cosines for reference vector for EXT (sphere only)
             EXT Dn=distribution n to bias sampling of cosine from AXS (sphere only)
             POA=minimum polar angle cosine(sphere) for particle acceptance
             BCW(3)=r zb ze;cylindrical window radius r,zb to ze from sphere center
             PSC>0 power of polar angle cosine (sphere) for source det/DXTRAN result
     SSW     write surface source(s) to WSSA file                                   (3-52)
             S1  S2  (C1  ...  Ck)  S3  ...  Sj     Keywords  SYM{0}  PTY{all}  CEL 
             Si=sensed problem surface # for particle info write to surface source
             Ci=problem cell number: + for otherside cell, - for just left cell
             SYM=0 assumes no symmetry for Si's
                =1 for spherical symmetry with j=1 and a spherical surface
             PTY(list)=N P and/or E to record neutrons, photons, and/or electrons
             CEL=list of cells from which KCODE fission source particles are written
     surface cards: equation coefficients or points (*=reflecting)                  (3-12)
             J     n  A  LIST      or      J     n  B  POINTS
             J=surface number starting in first five columns(00 particles entering/colliding in j are split or rouletted by WWP:p
                =0 weight window off in cell j and energy bin i-weight cutoff is on
                <0 any type p particle entering cell j in energy bin i is terminated
     WWP:p   weight window parameter card for particle type p [5]                   (3-35)
             WUPN{5}  WSURVN{0.6*WUPN}  MXSPLN{5}  MWHERE{0}  SWITCHN{0}
             p=N for neutrons, P for photons, E for electrons
             WUPN=#(>or=2) that multiplies lower weight bound to check for splitting
             WSURVN=#(10 means lower weight bounds are divided by the cell importance
     XSn     load cross-section evaluation n not in XSDIR file directory [10]       (3-96)
             same entries as XSDIR except no "+" for continuation & no ZA/atomic weight
             n=a number from 1 to 999 to describe one cross-section set on XSn card
     ZA,ZB,ZC are separate cards for inputing user data to MCNP patches

Todd Postma (tapostma@nuc.berkeley.edu)